Many Japanese speak English. But they do not think our thoughts. They worship at other shrines; profess another creed; observe a different code. They can no more be moved by Christian pacifism than wolves by the bleating of sheep. We have to deal with a people whose values are in many respects altogether different from our own.

Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

The Mission of Japan, 1937

Hi Hello!

Function: Song
Words: 43
Duration: 1:16
Start Audio Pause Audio
Aim: Show "Hello" is a greeting for any time of day
Hello! Hi! hello!
Good morning, good afternoon
Hi! Hello!
Good morning, good evening

Hi! Hello!
Good morning, good afternoon
Hi! Hello!
Good morning, good evening

Hi! Oh, hello!
Hello, good morning!
Oh hi! Hello!
Good morning, good afternoon!
Hi! Hello, oh hello!
Good evening


Once children are familiar with the words they can walk around the room mingling freely and waving and singing to each other. For younger children (3-5 year olds) have them walk around the room in a line.


Play Hello Tag or Sockit!


I've also used this song to start large kindergarten classes (40 students plus) and played it while they form a circle.

getfiles: Hi! Hello!

MP3: 2.54 mb
