If you want your writing to be taken seriously, don't marry and have kids, and above all, don't die. But if you have to die, commit suicide. They approve of that.
Ursla Le Guin (1929-2018)
Prospects for Women in Writing, speech Portland, 21986

This is a free for all tag game. One or more players become it - a Sockit. Each Sockit has an old sock. The Sockits move around the playing space trying to tag the other players. If a player is tagged they swap roles.
Unlike One Step Forward there is no safe area. Two or more players can make a temporary refuge by joining hands and performing a preselected dialogue or song. As soon as the song or dialogue is complete the players must break apart an look for new partners to create a new refuge. Players forming a refuge may break apart at any time but must find new partners to make a refuge again.
- Make sure everyone knows the dialogue or song to be used. It's best to use this game to review material rather than learn new stuff.
- Before playing the game for the first time demonstrate how to create a refuge.
- Sockits are not allowed to throw socks to tag players unless this variation is agreed before hand.
- A good-size clear space is required for this game - make sure to establish the boundaries of the playing area.
- Set a time-limit!
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