We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.

Martin Luther King (1957-1968)

letter from Birmingham city jail, 1963

Wake Up!

Choice Card: Wake Up!
command "Wake up!"
toddlers and young children
10 - 20 seconds
Class Size:
Energy Level:
high - usually energises a group
make believe activity
give control

This activity always excites young children. I pretend to fall asleep. The children notice. A team teacher feeds them the line "Wake up!" I wake up - and then go back to sleep again. When the children have got this idea they can learn the matching line - "Sleep!" (and later "Go to sleep!"). Then they can send me to sleep and wake me up. Works well when combined with Be a monster...

This activity can be used to re-energise a group or as a way of creating a pause to switch away from one activity to another.

It is possible to introduce this game without a team teacher. Fall asleep for a moment and then wake up saying the line "Wake Up!" as you do so. Pause, and say the line "Wake Up!" again. It's important to create some 'space' for the children to hear the line. Then fall asleep again. Wake up immediately when someone uses the line. Avoid responding directly to 'non-English' attempts to wake you up (verbal and nonverbal). Link the action of waking up to the line "Wake Up!". It can be done.
