Belief in heaven and hell is a big deal in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and some forms of doctrinaire Buddhism. For the rest of us it's simply meaningless. We don't live in order to die, we live in order to live.

Ursla Le Guin (1929-2018)

interview in Vice Magazine


Choice Card: Catch-Caught-Caught!
pronunciation fun conjugating verbs,
older children and up
2-4 minutes
Class Size:
Energy Level:
moderate to high
one ball per pair

Players get into pairs. Partners face each other several paces or more apart. One partner has a ball. The game leader announces the target verb pattern, eg "drink, drank drunk". The player with the ball throws it so that their partner can repeat the pattern before catching the ball. Play then reverses with the second partner throwing the ball so that the first can say the target and then catch the ball. Success occurs when both can say the target and catch the ball. Repeat with further targets until a time limit is reached.


It can sometimes be hard for baseball players to avoid throwing hard and flat. In such cases stress the idea of a team effort and enforce the rule that success requires the catcher to say the whole target before catching the ball, not while or after.


  1. I often use flashcards. Depending upon the group I will just say the pattern or give and give hints so that the players can work out the conjugation for themselves. Flashcards provide an easy way to tally a total.
  2. An alternative to one ball per pair is to have one ball per group of 4-8. Teams split into two and face each other in two lines.. After throwing a ball the player runs to the back of the line. Success requires the whole team to throw, say the target and catch without any drops.