Many Japanese speak English. But they do not think our thoughts. They worship at other shrines; profess another creed; observe a different code. They can no more be moved by Christian pacifism than wolves by the bleating of sheep. We have to deal with a people whose values are in many respects altogether different from our own.

Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

The Mission of Japan, 1937

Christmas Count Climate Crisis 2019

Video Quiz

Question List:

How many stars?
How many presents?
How many Christmas trees?
How many presents?
How many skulls?
How many Christmas stockings?
How many flying reindeer?

The extended version has the following additional questions:

How bad is butter for the environment?
How bad is supermarket asparagus for the environment?
How bad is cheese for the environment?
How bad is beef for the environment?


The full version was created for the 2019 Wise Hat Christmas party lessons. For our two kindergarten parties we used a version minus the first question which features a flood. Adults and older children got the extended version. Incidentally asparagus is worse for the environmet than pork because of the air miles. Read more here.
