Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.

Henry Kissinger

Plastic in Japan

Recorded: September 4th, 2018

Suggested procedure:

Start by asking the students what happens to their garbage at home. Who takes care of it? How is it got rid of? Then write the following numbers randomly on the board leaving the bottom third of the board blank:

10, 84, 70, 1,000,000

Tell the students they will see a video and that they need to find out what the numbers refer to. After watching the video go through the numbers one at a time and if any student can identify the number either circle it or erase it from the board. If there are any numbers left watch the video again. If the students can't identify any of the numbers or are struggling then write up a keyword for each of the numbers randomly using the bottom third of the board. Suggested keywords are in bold. Answers are as follows:

10 types of garbage in Yokohama city
84% of Japan's household plastics end up in a recycling bin
70% of Japan's household plastic is exported
1,000,000 tonnes of Japanese household plastic waste was exported to China in 2017


Slowed by 15% and reframed to cut out a headlines tickertape running across the bottom of the screen this video lasts a little over 3 minutes. Words to focus on: drowning, garbage, arduous, shocker, exported, banned, value.

getfile: Plastics in Japan

MP4 (Full HD Video), 114.87 mbB