You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.

Ursla Le Guin (1929-2018)

The Dispossessed, 1974

Hello Tag

Choice Card: Hello Tag
Greetings through the day
kindergarten aged and up
2-5 minutes
Class Size:
Energy Level:
Chasing Game (One Step Forward)
Optional: playing cards or dice & beaker


This is a variation of One Step Forward. Players line up at one end of the room in the safe zone. IT stands at the other end of the room facing them. One by one players take turns saying, "Hello!" and then taking action depending upon IT's response:

"Hello!" Player waves but stays where they are
"Good morning!" Player stretches and jumps forward
"Good afternoon!" Player yawns and takes one step forwards
"Good evening!" Player shivers and takes a step backwards
"Goodbye!" The signal for all players to run to safety


Players indicate the response they want by saying "Hello!", "Good Morning!", "Good Afternoon!", "Good Evening! or "Good-bye!". This gives IT a chance to oblige by copying the response. Of course, IT can say what it likes and the players need to respond as directed.


Players should be encouraged to make their language big and loud. As IT one way to do this is just to keep saying, "Hello" in an exaggerated fashion until someone copies you or raises their voice. Another way is to reserve Good Morning for loud firm, hello's.

To introduce how the different signals work use a parrot flag, Stand with the players say a response and do the action at the same time. The players then copy you.

Once the game is running well and the players are using strong. clear voices you can consider randomising the responses of IT. We have a Windows app that does this but a simple method is to use a dice and drop it into a beaker. A score of 1-3 equals good morning, 4-5 good afternoon, 6 good evening. Throwing the same number twice in a row equals goodbye.

