Capitalism's grow-or-die imperative stands radically at odds with ecology's imperative of interdependence and limit. The two imperatives can no longer coexist with each other; nor can any society founded on the myth that they can be reconciled hope to survive. Either we will establish an ecological society or society will go under for everyone, irrespective of his or her status.

Ursla Le Guin (1929-2018)

On the Future of the Left, Motherboard, February 4, 2015)

Which One?

Choice Card: Which One?
Which one? This One!
young children and up
2-3 minutes
Class Size:
Energy Level:
low to moderate
counters (optional money boxes)


Players divide into pairs. Give one pair a single counter. The player with the counter hides it in one hand, offers out both hands and says, "Which one?" Their partner chooses a hand, and says, "This one!" The first player opens the hand chosen and hands over the counter if the guess is correct. Play to a time limit or until everyone has had a chance at asking and guessing.


  1. Give everyone a counter. Now players move around the room taking turns at offering and guessing. A player with more than one counter can decide whether to hold them all in one hand and risk losing them all or split them between hands and keep at least one.
  2. With very young children give each of them a money box or cup. An adult can take a coin in each hand so that with every choice the child gets a counter. The child can slot the counter into the money box or drop into into a cup. This can be useful for practising colours as the adult can show both counters and name the colour the child chooses.


The easy way to introduce this activity is to work with a partner. If no partner is available then either practised the dialogue with a chant before modelling it with one child or get the children to first choose by pointing to a hand. As each child points, say "This one". Then, once this pattern is established hold back and don't open a hand until the child says "This one!" while pointing or repeats after you and points. The pointing is important as the language makes no sense unless a clear choice is indicated. Avoid opening your hand if the child's pointing and speaking isn't synchronised.
