Animals have these advantages over man: they never hear the clock strike, they die without any idea of death, they have no theologians to instruct them, their last moments are not disturbed by unwelcome and unpleasant ceremonies, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.

Voltaire (1694-1778)

Halloween 2019 How Now

Video Quiz

Question List:

How many happy ghosts?
How many winking owls?
How many slow zombies?
How many scared skeletons?
How many teeny tiny vampires?
How many angry bats?
How many seven legged spiders?


This video was created for the 2019 Wise Hat Halloween parties for elementary school aged children and younger. Running time: a little over 10 minutes.

getfiles: Halloween 2019 How Now

MP4 (Full HD Video), 173 mb