All of us have to learn how to invent our lives, make them up, imagine them. We need to be taught these skills; we need guides to show us how. If we don't, our lives get made up for us by other people.
Ursla Le Guin (1929-2018)
The Wave in the Mind, 2004
Fast Food Tag

Listening, Reacting saying, "Would you like.."
children and up
2-5 minutes
Class Size:
Energy Level:
Active co-operative game
None, but requires space
This is a team tag game. Players find themselves swapping from one team to another. With a large group, and it's best played with a large group it can go on for ever. It's advisable to have a timer handy.
- Divide the players into two teams (Mustard and Ketchup).
- Create a safe zone for the mustard team at one end of the play area and a safe zone for the ketchup team the other.
- Teams line up facing each other in the middle of the room.
- All the players call out to the game leader, "Would you like fast food or slow food?"
- The leader chooses and calls out the answer. If slow food players will move in slow motion. If fast players will move quickly.
- All the players then call out, "Would you like mustard or ketchup?"
- If the leader says, "Mustard!" the ketchup team chase the mustard team.
- If the leader says, "Ketchup!" The Mustard team chase the ketchup team.
- Any player tagged changes sides. Teams line up and start from the beginning.
- In addition to answering ketchup or mustard the game leader may also say, "Neither!" Any player that runs must change sides.
- The Game leader acts as umpire and may tell players who forget to move in slow motion to change sides.
- Play to a time limit or until everyone has had enough!
- As an alternative to "Would you like...?" players could ask "Do you want...?"
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