Freedom is a heavy load, a great and strange burden for the spirit to undertake. It is not easy. It is not a gift given, but a choice made, and the choice may be a hard one.

Ursla Le Guin (1929-2018)

The Left Hand of Darkness, 1969

Work Song!

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Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig
Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig
Measure, measure, measure
Measure, measure, measure
Work all day
Work all day

Saw, saw, saw, saw, saw, saw, saw
Saw, saw, saw, saw, saw, saw, saw
Hammer, hammer, hammer
Hammer, hammer, hammer
Work all day
Work all day

Mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix
Mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix
Plaster, plaster, plaster
Plaster, plaster, plaster
Work all day
Work all day

Paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint
Paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, paint
Varnish, varnish, varnish
Varnish, varnish, varnish
Work all day
Work all day

Clean, clean, clean, clean, clean, clean, clean
Clean, clean, clean, clean, clean, clean, clean
Polish, polish, polish
Polish, polish, polish
Work all day
Work all day

This song was written for an end of year kindergarten play. Every year the kindergarten used Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. I was asked to make something original and came up with a version of the Grasshopper and the Ants. Some day , if I manage it I'll upload the entire script. The song served to introduce the ants and their predilection for construction. Do the actions and sing along as you can - it's fast.

The song is a little over 2 minutes with each verse being punctuated with a repeating riff. In class I like to do a kind of backwards prowl which has nothing to do with ants but somehow fits. Sometimes we just do extra digging as this is usually the favourite action to perform. Some of the words are a little obscure and could be revised to include different kinds of work. Any pair of single syllable word followed by a double syllable word could do: read/study, draw/colour, dust/vacuum spring to mind. Or perhaps think coupled with panic. Just before rehearsals were due to start the school admininstration got cold feet and decided to stick with Snow and Co. Shortly after 10 out of 12 staff quit on an unrelated matter. Hey ho, ho hey, that is all I have to say.
