A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.

Martin Luther King (1957-1968)

Beyond Vietnam - A Time to Break Silence, 1967

This Week in History:

June 22 - July 5th

Test yourself:

Press the buttons to reveal the answers.
What did Arthur Ashe do in 1975?
He became the first black player to win the Men's singles title at Wimbledon
What docked with what in 1995?
American Space Shuttle Atlantis docked with the Russian Space station Mir.
What smashed what after how long in 1986?
Challenger smashed the World record for the fastest crossing of the Atlantic after 34 years.
What was cloned when and where and what was its name?
Dolly the sheep was cloned in Scotland in 1996.
Which country got back what and when after how long?
China took back Hong Kong in 1997 after 150 years of British control.

What the BBC ignored:

June 28 - 1914: Archduke Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie are assassinated in Sarajevo initiating World War I

June 28 - 1919: The Treaty of Versailles is signed formally ending World War I

June 28 - 1992: The Eighth Chess World Champion Mikhail Tal dies aged aged 55

June 29 - 1974: Isabel Perón is sworn in as the first female President of Argentina

June 29 - 1976: The Seychelles become independent from the United Kingdom

June 29 - 2007: Apple Inc. releases its first iPhone

June 30 - 1937: The world's first emergency telephone number, 999, is introduced in London

July 1 - 1972: The first Gay pride march in England takes place

July 1 - 1979: Sony introduces the Walkman

July 1 - 1991: The Warsaw Pact is officially dissolved at a meeting in Prague

July 1 - 2007: Smoking in England is banned in all public indoor spaces.

July 2 - 1962: The first Wal-Mart store opens for business in Rogers, Arkansas

July 2 - 1966: The French military explodes their first nuclear test bomb in the Pacific

July 2 - 2016: The suicide bombing of Karrada in Baghdad kills at least 341

July 3 - 1988: United States Navy warship USS Vincennes shoots down Iran Air Flight 655 over the Persian Gulf, killing all 290 people on board

July 4 - 1976: Israeli commandos raid Entebbe airport in Uganda, rescuing all but four of the passengers and crew of an Air France jetliner seized by Palestinian terrorists

July 4 - 1976: The U.S. celebrates its Bicentennial

July 5 - 2007: The BBC broadcasts its first television news bulletin

July 5 - 1980: Swedish tennis player Björn Borg becomes the first male tennis player to win the Wimbledon Tennis championships five times in a row (1976–1980)

Would you have swapped any of the events above for any of the events chosen by the BBC. How outrageous is it to make space for Branston's Challenger Atlantic crossing and ignore the downing of Flight 655?
