Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority.
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
Fast Food

Fast food
Fast food
Eat it and go!
Fast food
Fast food
Eat it and go!Gobble, gobble, munch
Gobble, gobble, crunch
Gobble, gobble, munch
Gobble, gobble, crunchFast food
Fast food
Eat it and go!
Fast food
Fast food
Eat it and go!Gulp, gulp, swallow
Gulp, gulp, swallow
Gulp, gulp, swallow
Gulp, gulp, swallowSo convenient (makes me fat!)
So convenient (makes me fat)
High calory (obese)
High calory (obese)
Fast food
Fast food
Eat it and go!
Fast food
Fast food
Eat it and go!Gobble, gobble, munch
Gobble, gobble, crunch
Gobble, gobble, munch
Gobble, gobble, crunchFast food
Fast food
Eat it and go!
Fast food
Fast food
Eat it and go!Gulp, gulp, swallow
Gulp, gulp, swallow
Gulp, gulp, swallow
Gulp, gulp, swallowSo convenient (high calory!)
So convenient (where's my rain forest...?)
Here are some different possibilities:
- Have the children mime eating and drinking. Eat to the phrase, "Gobble, gobble" and drink to the phrase "Gulp, gulp"
- Divide into two groups and sing alternate lines.
- Use as BGM when role-playing fast-food shopping.
Use play food or food flash cards and divide the items into two groups depending upon whether it is "fast food" or not.
Play Fast Food Tag
getfile: Fast Food
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