Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Martin Luther King (1957-1968)

letter from Birmingham city jail, 1963

See You - Speak English!

Function: Goodbye
Words: 44
Duration: 0:47
Start Audio Pause Audio
Aim: Finish on a high note - speak English every day!
See You!

Goodbye, goodbye - speak English!
Goodbye, goodbye - speak English!
Goodbye, goodbye - speak English!
Speak English, every day!

See you, see you - speak English!
See you, see you - speak English!
See you, see you - speak English!
Speak English, every day!


Whatever Goodbye song you use, the important thing is to use it consistantly. I'm good at using this song to finish a class but appauling at using it to finish a presentation - I've only managed it once!

For some children this song is nothing more than BGM but in some classes we often end up dancing around the room. It's great to end a class with a bang!

getfiles: See You - Speak English!

MP3: 1.43 mb
