Many Japanese speak English. But they do not think our thoughts. They worship at other shrines; profess another creed; observe a different code. They can no more be moved by Christian pacifism than wolves by the bleating of sheep. We have to deal with a people whose values are in many respects altogether different from our own.

Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

The Mission of Japan, 1937

Split The Pack

When going through flashcards rather than put a missed card to the back of the pack split the pack so that the missed card goes somewhere in the middle.


If a missed card goes to the back of the pack then chances are the students won't see that card again that session, or if they do manage to go through the whole deck chances are they won't remember what the card was. Splitting the pack vastly increases the chance that the students will encounter a missed card more than once. This means the students will pay more attention when you tell them the answer as they will probably keep encountering the missed card.
